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Muscle Growth Surge Workout

The muscle growth surge workouts that are suggested in this 10-week surge workout plan are based on very sound and very logical bodybuilding applications which have proven themselves to work over and over. It's a program designed to get the best out of you, from nutrition to cycle training correctly and resting, it includes everything.

This muscle growth surge was first written for the Colorado Experiment done at the Colorado State University in 1973. Following this high intensity routine similar to what is listed below, Casey Viator gained an incredible 63lbs of muscle in only 4 weeks. It's like a physical metamorphosis. This muscle growth surge starts by taking a week off your training. It stipulates that if you've been training with high intensity for 3 months or more, the week off is obligatory.

There is a very specific surge diet that goes along with the intense workouts using heavy weight, not maximum. The training schedule of your surge training gets broken down into 2 high-intensity training phases, the first one is 5 weeks long and the other is 4 weeks long, these long stretches of high intensity 3 times a week are separated by only 1 week of training with a medium intensity. That week of doing medium-intensity is simple to heal your ability to recover and will prevent over training. We cannot do justice to the science of surge training without getting very specific about the nutrition requirements, the starting programs and the first 5-week cycle of intensity that you need to do. We have listed that first 5-week cycle below and hope that this type of surge intensity is not maintained without doing your full research on the 10-week Growth Surge Plan.

Size Surge Routine: Phase One 5-weeks

To warm-up use a 50% of the weight you want to lift and then do another set with 70% of the max weight you want to use.

Squats 2 X 7-9 reps
Leg extensions 1 X 7-9 reps
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1 X 7-9 reps
Leg curls 1 X 7-9 reps
Bench Presses 2 X 7-9 reps
Flat Bench D/B Flyes 1 X 7-9 reps
Incline D/B presses 2 X 7-9 reps
Chins or Pulldowns 2 X 7-9 reps
Bent-over Rows 2 X 7-9 reps
Behind-the-neck presses 2 X 7-9 reps
D/B upright rows 2 X 7-9 reps

Deadlifts 2 X 7-9 reps
Standing calf raises 2 X 12-18 reps
Barbell curls 2 X 7-9 reps
Lying triceps extensions 2 X 7-9 reps
Wrist curls 1 X 7-9 reps
Knee-Ups 2 X 7-9 reps
Crunches 2 X 12-18 reps

Squats 2 X 7-9 reps
Leg extensions 1 X 7-9 reps
Leg curls 2 X 7-9 reps
Seated calf raises 2 X 12-18 reps
Bench presses 2 X 7-9 reps
Flat-bench flyes 1 X 7-9 reps
Incline D/B presses 2 X 7-9 reps
Chins or Pulldowns 2 X 7-9 reps
Bent over Rows 2 X 7-9 reps
Behind-the-neck presses 2 X 7-9 reps
D/B upright rows 2 X 7-9 reps

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